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Litigation Communications

Impactful Litigation PR Services

Strategies and tactical PR support for legal claims and defenses across civil and criminal matters.

Service Details

  • Expert

    We have a deep understanding of the impact of civil litigation and regulatory and law enforcement actions on both reputation and the business and have broad and deep experience with a wide variety of matters.

  • Measured

    Litigation communications and PR requires expertise and judgement and must focus on achieving the desired legal outcomes through every twist and turn in the dispute.

  • Effective

    We know how to achieve understanding and support for legal claims and defenses and to guide stakeholders through the entire lifespan of the litigation through to settlement or trial.

Our Experience

    Discrimination and EEOC

    Sexual harassment

    Employee terminations

    Appellate and US Supreme Court cases

    Investment fund dissolutions

    Deferred prosecution agreements and monitorships

    Bankruptcies and receiverships

    Looted art

    Shareholder actions

    Insider trading and 10b-5 matters

    Bribery and corruption

    Regulatory and law enforcement investigations and actions


    Civil and criminal fraud

    Class action

    Product liability


    Full integration with our corporate and financial communications and public affairs groups

Find out how our integrated, flexible, and budget efficient cross-border services can support you in multiple global markets.

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