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What Makes a B2B Website Credible and Trustworthy

by M&Co. Staff

While sales teams are instrumental in building relationships and closing deals, an effective website can enhance their efforts and provide a strong foundation for new client acquisition. Similarly, a poor website can detract from an effective new business strategy.

A website can support client acquisition and is what, most of the time, establishes the first impression of a company, raises awareness, and instills a sense of credibility among business decision-makers.

So, what should B2B companies keep in mind while designing a website?

Every company is seen in the context of its industry. This is why it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of competitors’ websites, assessing their design, information functionality, and user experience. Taking note of their positioning and selling points provides a better understanding of how they differentiate themselves. Evaluating the type of information they provide on their websites, their selection of case studies, graphics, video, and visuals, and how they communicate impact and success, should inform your website strategy, and help you effectively position your solutions.

Content serves as the driving force behind a website’s ability to attract, engage, and convert visitors to clients. To achieve high-quality web copy, companies need to lead with a strong value proposition, articulating the benefits that clients can expect, supported by a successful track record.

In the B2B world clients are faced with complex challenges and they seek solutions that can effectively meet their needs and provide tangible benefits. Use blog posts, whitepapers, and research reports to effectively convey the value and benefits you provide. Case studies and client success stories help illustrate challenges, the solutions implemented, and desired outcomes.

Once the content is developed it needs to be organized and structured. This involves building an effective website content architecture – a well-planned and intuitive information framework that makes it seamless for website visitors to, at a single glance, identify the type of information available. That in turn enables them to navigate and find the information they’re looking for easily, which impacts their experience and the amount of time they spend on the website. This is especially important because, on average, most website visitors spend no more than 1 minute on a website and visit only about 3 pages during their first visit.

Here are some key foundational elements for an efficient website content architecture:

Information hierarchy

Establish a clear information hierarchy by categorizing and organizing content into main sections and sub-sections, prioritizing content based on its importance and relevance to the target audience. The most critical information should be easily accessible and prominently displayed. This makes it easy for visitors to find essential information without unnecessary scrolling or searching.


An intuitive and easy-to-use navigation system uses clear and descriptive labels for menu items and organizes them logically. Incorporating a consistent navigation structure across all pages of the website enables users to move seamlessly between sections.


Complex decisions often involve intricate information and technical details. A B2B website content strategy should focus on simplifying and distilling this information for clients, using clear, concise, and easily understandable language to make complex concepts more accessible and digestible.

Content segmentation

Online audiences generally prefer information in bite-sized pieces. Breaking down content into smaller, easily digestible chunks and dividing lengthy sections of content into multiple pages helps users quickly locate the specific information they need.

Visual elements

Incorporate visually appealing elements such as high-quality images, videos, icons, and infographics to enhance the visual appeal of your website. Ensure that visuals align with your brand identity and support the content, rather than overwhelming or distracting users.

Investing in high-quality content and a strong content architecture for your B2B website is crucial for branding, PR initiatives, and sales activities. By creating compelling, well-structured content, you can establish your brand, attract and engage your target audience, and ultimately drive business growth.
