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Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity), a global provider of bespoke research, analytics, and technology solutions to the financial services sector, was looking to enhance its thought leadership by highlighting its Investment Banking Outlook 2024, which it publishes annually. The main challenge was condensing and distilling the report into an interesting narrative. 



Our advice was to create a byline with the viewpoint that global investment bankers were cautiously optimistic amid market uncertainty, using the report findings as evidence.


A bylined article was published in International Banker, a global trade publication with authoritative analysis on international banking.  

This provided a high-profile, Tier One media placement, which boosted the profile of the brand among key target audiences and positioned the author as a key subject matter expert.  

The article used the findings to provide insights into investment banking trends and outlooks. It also included a link to the full report on Acuity’s website. The placement positioned Acuity as a key source of thought leadership for players in the global investment banking industry.